Illustrations: Some Old/Some New

As much as this blog is about what
im interested in,
its also about my drawings and doodles.


  1. nice to see some of your own stuff on 'ere :)

  2. WOW! mark you've expanded tremendously in these past few months! recognise some of the older works but the new stuff is unbeliviable, you really have been getting into it.

    Dont panic is really good, i get what you mean now about using 25 layers, the result is deffinitely worth it.

    i see some similarities aswell between the colour pallete of your works and the atmospheric nature of blade runner.

    brilliant stuff, dont leave the next update of personal work too long will ya?


  3. gets better and better mate...real inspiration!

  4. please dont forget me when you make it big time :)
